155 Antibes Drive

Welcome to 155 Antibes Drive

Learn more, ask questions, and provide your feedback on our exciting vision for the future of 155 Antibes.

The Proposal At A Glance

155 Antibes Drive is located just south of Bathurst and Steeles in North York. The property contains a 16-storey apartment building surrounded by open space and surface parking. Two new towers and a mid-rise building are proposed on the land surrounding the existing apartment building, which will be maintained.

  • 892new residential units, in addition to the existing 259 units
  • 560m2public park
  • 804vehicle parking spaces
  • 953bicycle parking spaces


A Zoning Bylaw Amendment application was submitted to the City of Toronto on November 4, 2021, this submission begins the formal review process which will take many months. Here you can learn more about who we have met with, where we are in the process, and other major project milestone.

Decision Report to North York Community Council (View Decision Report)

Zoning By-law Amendment Application Resubmission

Zoning By-law Amendment Application Resubmission

Tenant Survey

Community Consultation Meeting (View Presentation)

Letter to Tenants

Site Plan Application (SPA) submission

Preliminary Report to NYCC (View Preliminary Report)

Pre-application Consultation Meeting with City Staff

Meeting with Councillor Pasternak

Letter to Tenants

Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application submission

Materials Hub

With the formal application to the City of Toronto for our infill development at 155AntibesDrive, a number of reports, studies, and plans have been submitted. We will continue to update this section with updated materials, City Staff reports, and community presentations.

Your Questions

We invite you to discover the vision, get all of the information you need, ask questions and provide feedback, all in one place.

Who is Tenblock?

Tenblock is the developer and manager of the development process. Any questions related to the redevelopment of the property should be directed through this website and info@155antibes.com

Has this development been approved?

No. We need to receive the appropriate approvals from the City of Toronto before we can begin any construction work. We are working with City Staff to advance our proposal to North York Community Council with their recommendation report.

Are you keeping the building that exists on site today?

Yes. The existing 16-storey building will remain on the site, residents who currently live at 155 Antibes will continue to live in their units.

What are you proposing to build around the current building?

The existing building will remain, and two new towers are proposed fronting onto Bathurst Street with a new midrise building proposed along Antibes Drive. The proposed development also includes:

  • Updated indoor and outdoor amenities for existing tenants
  • Access to a new public park
  • Access to a new multi-use path

What stage in the process are you at?

An application was submitted for a Zoning By-Law Amendment to the City of Toronto in November 2021, and we resubmitted the Zoning By-Law Amendment application in November 2023 and May 2024 incorporating comments and feedback received from existing tenants, the broader community, and City Staff. We are working with City Staff to advance our proposal to North York Community Council with their recommendation report.

How can I get involved?

This website will be where you can learn about any updates to the proposal, ask questions, and provide feedback. We encourage the community to use this digital tool as the go to resource for the redevelopment process. We will be sure to post any upcoming events for you to get involved. Have a question that wasn’t answered here? Want to provide your feedback? Submit your questions and ideas through the contact us form below.

The Team


Housing Developer

For over fifty years, we have developed and managed real estate in Toronto, with a vision of providing our community with great places to live. We have watched Toronto grow into a world-class city — as such, we are reinvigorated to add new, world-class buildings to further enhance how we live and work.

BDP Quadrangle


BDP Quadrangle is one of Canada’s leading architecture, design and urbanism practices. Based in Toronto, Canada, our expertise spans designing for the full spectrum of the built environment including mixed-use, residential, workplace, retail, transit, media, education and health.

Urban Strategies Inc.


Urban Strategies® is a global urban design and planning consultancy based in Toronto. Founded in 1986, the firm has a strong commitment to city-building and place making, and has led some of the most challenging, important, and highly consultative reurbanization projects in Toronto, across North America, and abroad. This commitment to excellence has been recognized with over 100 awards from provincial, national and international organizations. Urban Strategies’ clients include large cities and small towns, residential, commercial and institutional developers, public agencies, universities, hospitals, and community groups.

Bousfields Inc.

Community Engagement

At Bousfields, we believe the planning and community engagement processes are deeply rooted in collaboration and work to inform one another. We have a dedicated team of community engagement experts to support clients in meaningful engagement practices.

Questions? Feedback?

Get in touch with the project team to share your feedback and/or ask questions. A member of the team will get back to you shortly. Thanks in advance for reaching out!

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